Seahorse is located in Edgewater , Florida. Below, we list the park owner, address, type of park, number of spaces, amenities and contact information. We also provide a list of all addresses located in this park. Mobile home parks are extremely popular in Florida and are a wonderful place to call home. People are drawn to mhp's because you can have all the benefits of traditional home ownership - without the burdens of maintenance, plus a variety of amenities. In Florida, the majority of mobile home parks are age restricted - most are 55 plus parks. This is ideal for seniors who may appreciate the quiet nature of the community and enjoy socializing with those in their own age bracket.
This information is believed to be correct, but not warranted. Four Star Homes is not responsible for quoting current monthly fees, lot rent, or any dues/fees associated with the community or home. Additional fees for certain amenity privileges may apply. All applicable community fees are the responsibility of the buyer to obtain and community manager/owner to disclose prior to ownership or occupancy.